
Xiv CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VIII. A Banker's Last Days .. 153 CHAPTER IX. The Regent's Friend in the Provinces-His Friend and the Hackney Coachman-" Such a Getting up Stairs" with the Regent-The Regent and Caulfield-Carlton, Clarence, and the Corn Laws-Regent's Dinner delayed-A Kick from Yarmouth-Mellish and II. R. II. the Duke of Sussex at Brooks'-" Cutting the Regent "-Clarence's Jollity-The "Iron Duke "-Not answerable for the Army-Bleeding the Regent and the Rustics-Sparring before the Governor of Rome-Prize-fighter outwitted-The Duke of Richmond and Mr. Budd-Pedestrian v. Equestrian-Lord Hare- wood's Princely Entertainment of Cricketers-Mr. L'udd running Lord Frederic Beauclerc -Running O'Reilly- Running again, and again-Cricket at Eton-A Mistake rectified- A Wild Indian personated-Hopping .. 161 CHAPTER Y. On Training, Starting, and Timing " Spirt" Runners .. 178 CHAPTER XI. Captain Barclay's One Thousand Miles in One Thousand Hours -Budd and Barclay with the Gloves-Barclay suffers from his own Gloves-Love of Pedestrianism-"A Runner" with Ilounds-Matchless Sight at Chippenham-flow Pheasants go-A Dog-charmer-Valuable Dogs-IIow the Money went-A Double Shot-Cock-shooting at Stour Head- Burton Ale-Stour ]lead Rules-"IIigh Life below Stairs" -Mr. Henry Baring, as a Rabbit-shot-His Love of Play- A Bar to it-Science in Leartc-Luncheon for Two-Dinner for Two-Joints of Mutton-Exhibition Curiosity ]lard Cheese"-" Iuo, Uno, and Axum "-Lord Kirkcudbright -helping a Labourer-False Alarm-A Dear Picture- 11Who's y'rGunsmith ?"-JoeManton's Charges-"What's in a Name `r" -Itemedy for Bad Debts-" Catch a Weasel