
CONTENTS. %V PAGE asleep "-A Hare at Bay-"Blind Tommy "-A Blind Wheeler-A Flying Stage-Royal Mail stopped by a Lioness -Major Munro-Cockney Sporting-A Weight-carrier .. 183 CHAPTER XII. Pycroft's Opinion of Budd-" Manila, the Part of Hamlet left out"-Bowling Four at One "Over"-Budd and Beauclerc compared -A Volley for Nine - Hitting out of Lord's Ground-Luddites at Nottingham-Ilollowest Victory on record-Muscular Christianity-Average Score-Pepper- ing the Iron Duke, -I3eilhy Thompson's Preserves-" Done 'em again "-Tripe for Two-Ruffianism of the Day- Neate and "Gas "-Pugilistic Preacher-Branshy Cooper -" Petting Lady D-"-" Ilorsedealing Lady D-" -Coarseness of the Past Century-" Backing the Governor in"-Cricket with One Hand-A Good Fellow-Lady Thimblcrig-"Tommy D-"-Glitter and Flash-An Up- hill Gamc-Alvanley and Dc Roos-The Last Struggle- Glass Legs-A Shooting Pony-Hare-shooting-" Towered L'irds"-"Rcsurgam"-Vandyke-Budd's "Porter"- lowell's Retriever-Canine Telegram .... .. 208 CHAPTER XIII. Lord Egremont and Mr. Budd-Plucking v. Shaving-Freak of the Regent-Lawyer and Sweep-Purchase of Lord's Ground -Ward and Budd-A Periwinkle Dinner-Beating a Bully- A" Cross-buttock "-Jack Randall-Cribb and Belcher- Gully and Greg*son-Gully and "the Chicken "-Over- weighted for a Race--Gully and Three Events-A Parson's Doubles-Old Men's Tales-"Young Hercules"-W'res- tling " for Love "-" Gas and Pope "-Lesson for Pope- Pope and Parsons-Spring and Neate-Holidays at the War Otlice- Fitzwilliam-"The Squire" and Lord Milton-A Man-trap-"Pull on Monday "-Cartridges "balling"- No Superstition-Cricket Ball One Hundred Yards-Small, Ball-maker-" Long-hit" for Lady It- -" 11fissing a Catch"-"'I'hc Gentleman in Black"-Edward Ross and "Rifles for the Army"-Budd's Endurance- -theroo