
xvi CONTENTS. FAGE Family-lint toMlagistrates-The Colonel and the" Middy" -Trot v. Galop-A Jump, carrying Thirty-nine Stone- Vagaries of Shot-Gladstone Prophecy-The Turkish Bath 237 CIIAPTLR XIV. A MEDLEY. A Critical Mill-P, all-Practice-Terpsichore and Mammon, Ex- change Gossip-Can's Apotheo=is-G. une-Names-Thalia and Ceres-A Royal Bait-Forensic Affinity to Fly-fishing -A Deed of Darkness-Piscator in the Provinces illustrates a German Legend-" Wherry pecooliar Boating "-Salmon Scot and Lot-Stitching-Ahem! -Foils to Cues-The Lover's Leap-Pistol Preventive Service-Black Game- Salmon Specring and Spearing-Cuisine ä la naturello .. 270