
SPOAT: I5CB. 1PL1S. 1.179 muscles. Dress well in flannel, keeping the wrists covered with flannel all clay. Wear heavy shoes for exercise. Breakfast at half-past eight, taking mutton chop, tea, and dry toast; not any slops, and not too much tea. Sit half an hour or so after each meal, read or write, so as to keep the mind occupied, not thinking too much of the coming match, as it is apt to make a man slower, or, in slang term, ' funk. ' After this he should take a steady live-mile walk out, and five back : on reaching home, take a tumbler of calf's-foot jelly and a dry biscuit. Then take your man to the scratch, stripped all but short drawers and slippers, the latter made as light and strong as possible, as per sketch. " Select a piece of level turn- A t: pike road or towing path, rather loose, so that the spikes should not hurt his feet; put your man on the scratch for one hour, practising starting, which is most essential either starting himself or ' by pistol, ' as per articles of match. If ' by mutual consent, ' your man should have some one to keep starting with him ; if ' by pistol, ' to start and run about twelve yards out by report. After this, Though the shoe represented is often used, the writer prefers the lacing to be continued further in the directi m of the toe, and to have a mere slipper-heel; lie prefers a spike on each side at n and it, while at c there should be one spike only, and that one at the outer edge. In all, five spikes to each shoe. \ý