Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

F rG. z r.-WALKING. E. ]. Webb, znd, ro,ooo Metres Walk , Olympic Games, Stockholm, 1912. English Champion 2 Miles ·walk, 1909 and 1910 ; 7 Miles Walk, 1908, 1909, and 1910. Webb shows a fair "heel and toe " style of walking. Th e left heel is advanced and placed on the track before the toes of the right foot have left it. The body car– :riage and arm action are perfect. 'fhis photo should be studied in conjunction with .the diagram illustrating the hip action. FIG. 22.-STANDING H I GH-J UMP. MOller who is seen jumping is the right type of long-legged athlete for the standing jumps; he is seen centralised dver the b.·u·, and will k ick the right leg high as the left l eg is dropped towards the ground . The arm control should be carefully observed. <66]