Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

72 SUCCESS IN ATHLETICS importance that a jumper should study, and it can only be obtained by jumping at the absolutely correct angle of 45°. Should the angle be less, the height will be less, and should the angle be greater, the height will be greater, and it will readily be seen from diagram 13 that the range or distance jumped will b~ considerably affected. Referring back to diagram 12, there is another point which ought to be very carefully remembered by the athlete, and that is that since his path through the air descrfbes a perfect parabola, the whole of his Diagram 13. efforts must be devoted to overcoming the resistances due to the attraction of gravity which will be met in the first half of it, and in attaining the said height. After this point has been passed, and the second half of the parabola entered upon, gravity will assist him to complete his journey to the landing-point B. Should he jump at a greater or lesser angle than 45° 1 it would be necessary for him to produce a much greater effort than he is capable of to attain the same , range as that affected by jumping at the correct angle -which is of course absurd, as it stands to reason that he is straining himself to his utmost efforts.