Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

78 SUCCESS IN ATHLETICS these muscles are, the greater will be the momentum generated as the legs are swung through; consequently the body will travel further through the air, and the length of the jump be added to. After the arms have been flung back, and just as 8 the body is about to come to earth, the legs are straightened out, the body bent forward (sketch 8), and the ~rms are again flung to the front; and here again, in swinging forward the arms and bending down the ""-""--" trunk, the abdominal muscles come into play. The legs should be well separated as the jumper lands. In diagram 15 the jumper will be seen in his passage through the air, after leaving the take-off board, to landing. In no. 7 he would be about passing over the maximum height he will obtain, and from this the legs are carried rapidly forward to give impetus to the body, till no. 10 1s reached, nlf»;n;a;;;m;;;;;nn n,n;;nm;nnnn 6 7 8 9 10 Diagram 15. when they are in such a forward pos1t10n that the body would have an inclination to fall backwards were it not for the fact that arms were swung rapidly back, which helps to shoot the body forward and to regain the baiance. It is in this final position, when the landing is effected and the body comes vertically over the feet, that the kinetic energy is destroyed, which _