Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

88 SUCCESS IN ATHLETICS Summarising the jump as a whole, it will be seen that the athlete runs up to the take-off board at the greatest speed of which he is capable, shortens the last stride, puts down the heel, comes through on to the toes, thrusts down with the right leg, and flings the body into the air, using his arms to aid the move– ment, and at the same time throwing the left knee up in front. As he rises, the take-off leg is drawn up ; at the top of his flight 'he kicks to prolong that flight; as he falls, the arms are flung back and the legs -straightened out ; and as he lands, the arms are flung forward and then back, and the body bent down over the thighs (sketch 2). !? /~ '51 1/ ~~ ({J;]r;'_..,j, ' /7// /(( t::Y --- ~ The Running Long-jump. ' · The "take-off." 2, About to Ian<;l.