Success in Athletics and how to obtain it
96 SUCCESS IN ATHLETICS and the left leg is thrown high and over the bar (see sketch r, where right and left are reversed, and I fig. 32, nos. 3, 4, and 5). Now, when the athlete took off, a turning move– ment to the right was begun, so that, as the left leg is thrown over, the right side is downwards and the right arm is well into the right side, and the head is hung back to give the hips and legs full play in rising; simul– taneously with the left leg being thrown over, the right leg is straightened forcibly out towards the right-hand post (see sketch 2 and fig. 30, left leg, fig . 3 r, right leg); this action lifts the hips well above the level of the bar (see fig. 32, nos. 6 and 7). The right arm is now thrown downwards and out 2 3 towards the left-hand post ; at the same time the right leg is cut down under the body and over the bar, and is then ·kicked up behind the body to clear the hips away from the bar. The combination of these movements causes the body to pivot in mid air, thus allowing the bar to be within the concavity formed at the jumper's stomach. Ins_tantly the spine is straightened to clear the upper part of the body away from the bar (sketch 3), and the jumper NoTE.-In sketches I, 2, and 3, inset in the text, the spring has been made from the Lli:FT foot.
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