Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

THROWING THE JAVELIN 197 upwards, a little higher than and directly over the right shoulder. (See figs. 74, 75·) 3· The run forward is commenced and the pace increased until the athlete is at top speed from about ten yards behind the board until the javelin has left the hand. (NoTE.-During the run the left arm should be allowed to swing perfectly naturally (fig. 7 5) until it is brought across to the right side of the body and afterwards flung out to the left to aid the throw and turn the shoulders. See cinematograph :pictures, fig. 83.) . 4. Seven or eight yards behind the throwing-board the thrower begins to draw the right arm smoothly back. 5· Four yards behind the throwing-board the right foot is placed in under the body, which sinks back to ·the throw as the right knee comes forward, after the left leg has been swung acmss in front of the right leg (figs. 76, 77, and 78, and sketch 2, p. 190). 6. The right leg is straightened, the left arm out-flung, and the trunk is heaved up Diagram from the waist. 3 7 · 7· As the shoulders are twisted from left to right, the throwing arm comes to the front over the right shoulder, the hand passing close to the cheek below the level of the ear (sketch 3), and the javelin leaves the hand perfectly smoothly (sketch 4). 8. Directly the javelin has left the hand the feet are reversed (fig. 79), and the right foot comes forward (figs. 8o and 81) so that the outside of it is against the throwing-board (diagram 37, fig. 82, and sketch 5, p. 192). As to the actual throwing practice, this may take place every day; but if the arm begins to ache at all, and continues to do so for any ;length of time after the exercise is over, then a rest should be taken