Success in Athletics and how to obtain it
zt6 SUCCESS · IN ATHLETICS cleansed, and this is important in all methods of massage, in order that the skin may not be poisoned by the hands of the rubber. Effleurage must consist in stroking or smoothing with a light touch in the direction of the flow of the blood in the veins. ·The blood-stream in the veins i.s flowing towards the heart, and since there is difficulty, through various natural causes, for veins to carry the vital fluid to its temporary destination, assistance can be given to the stream of blood by gently stroking the limbs in a direction towards the heart. · The stroking movements are facilitated by anointing the skin with olive oil (sweet oil) or vaseline, and this also lessens the chance of injuring the skin. It will be found that with this method of stroking, an enormous advantage for the well-being of th~ athlete will be gained by keeping the trunk of the body low upon the couch, and elevating the limb which is being submitted to effleurage. This raising of the limb, together with stroking, enhances the benefits to be derived. As an experiment, let any one hang the upper limbs . downwards and note the fullness of the veins, now raise them and note the pallor and absence of' dis– tention of the vessels. The veins contain the poison– ous results of wear and tear, and to hasten the blood to the chest gives a quick, relief of poisonous materials and speedy refreshment. The combination of effleurage and elevation is certainly the very best method of dealing with athletes in the dressing-room during athletic sports between the heats or events. A beneficial effect is produced by massage, not only upon the circulation of the
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