Success in Athletics and how to obtain it
CHAPTER XXIII SOME GENERAL HINTS FOR TRAINING AND COMPETITION IN this chapter it is proposed to deal with all those little essential tips which go so far to ensure the athlete's success, and which, if neglected, inevitably lead to his ultimate failure. Every one who goes in for strenuous bodily exercise should keep ever before him the old saying, " Cleanliness is next to godliness." It is felt that the young athlete who reads this will say, " What rot! Of course every athlete is clean ! " But is he? Doubtless no man would undress before his fellows with his body showing visible signs of dirt, but this is not en_ough. The skin must be so cleansed and cared for that it has that shine or bloom which denotes perfect health. ~ This may be explained somewhat more fully. One of the principal reasons that the athlete wears light and airy clothing in training and competition is to enable the air to get to the body. Now, when the body perspires, foul matter is exuded through the skin, and if the body is not thoroughly washed after violent exercise, .the skin is clogg€d by foul matter. After exercise the athlete should take a bath with the chill just taken off the water, or a sponge down 220
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