Success in Athletics and how to obtain it
APPENDIX EXERCISES THESE exercises are specially adapted for the develop– ment of .the muscles supporting the arches of the feet: ExERCISE 1 This exercise is performed by the athlete lying upon a bed, couch, table, or upon the floor, with the trunk reclining com– fortably in a low position, the head supported by a pillow. One leg is bent almost at a right angle, and the opposite limb is crossed and supported by the bent knee of the other; the leg and thigh of the limb now uppermost are in an inclined plane in a straight line from hip to ankle. b! this attitude the foot is now rotated from the ankle-joint in a direction inwards, and completes as nearly as possible a circular movement, without swaying taking place at the knee-joint. If the right foot be the one engaged in the exercise, then the rotary direction is clockwise. If it be the left foot, then the movement is performed in the opposite direction-that is, counter– clockwise, or against the direction taken by the hands of a clock. This, as well as all other exercises given here, must be performed with concentrated thought and determination, and the number of times each exercise must be done is increased each day until one or even two minutes' work is accomplished. ExERCISE 2 To be done in a lying-down position, as in Exercise 1. The lower limb is raised and the foot is pointed as much as possible ; the limb is rolled inwards and outwards-that is, rotated in the long axis at the same time that the inward and outward move- 235
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