Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

APPENDIX 239 ExERCISE I2 This is the same movement as in Exercise I I, performed with the left leg. ExERCISE I3 In this exercise the athlete assumes the posttJOn described in Exercise n, and, pointing -the toe, circles the leg out from the body to the front and then round to the rear with a rotary movement of the whole limb. The toe is pointed, the muscles set, and the pelvis kept square to the front (fig. Ioi). EXERCISE l4 A similar.movement to that described in Exercise I3 is carried out, but the leg, in describing the circle, passes first to the back and then around to the front. EXERCISES I 5 AND I 6 . Are similar to Exercises I3 and I4, but are performed with the left leg. ExERCISE I7 · The athlete assumes the position described in Exercise I I, points the toe as shown in fig. Io2, rais~s the heel as shown in fig. Io3, and brings the right foot down beside the left as shown in fig. 104. It will be seen that the lower part of the leg has completed a circle from the knee with a rotary move– ment of the whole limb. Throughout the movement the muscles are set and the pelvis kept square to the front. ExERCISE I8 Is the same as Exercise I7, but the movements are performed with the left leg. FOR HURDLERS AND JUMPERS STORKING The athlete, standing firmly on both feet and holding the body upright, flicks up the right leg until the knee hits the shoulder, and at the same time throws forward the arms until