Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

16 SUCCESS IN ATHLETICS will learn to apply his weight, spring, or speed properly. It is a curious thing that many men who are ideally built for sprinters or long-distance runners have the sole desire to shine as hammer-throwers or weight– putters and vice versa. So much depends on the selection of the right events for a boy to participate in while he is still at school; it is therefore necessary for the school– master or parent to have a comprehensive knowledge of the proper build for various events. Physique and musculature are capable of improvement on common– sense principles by the proper application of the science of physical culture. The chief asset to the carrying out of any athletic sport is the possession of a pai.r of well-developed, properly constructed feet, which very few athletes possess. Treating first of running; at the present day there are thousands of men using the track day by day, and yet not one per cent. of them are making .full use of the feet with which they have been endowed at their birth. Really it is wonderful how well they perform in spite of the defects in their feet, all too obvious to experts, which have arisen through sheer . lack of knowledge of the proper care of this part of the anatomy. , Yet a point is bound to be reached beyond which the athlete's time does not improve, given that the athlete is perfectly formed, perfe-ct in method, and developed to the highest pitch of perfection; then, of course, he has reached the limit of his power. But if, on the other hand, his methods and natura