Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

FrG. 4.-SPRINTING (No. z). A . I-Iahn, U.S.A. Winner ~oo Metres (IIt sec.), Athenian Celebration, rgo6 . er GET SET." Shows the athlete crouched fort he start 1 leaning forward prepared to run, catching up his own equilibriun1 when the pistol is fired. The position is perfect: back parallel to t he gronnd, weight resting on the hands and left leg, the right leg in position for a .good strong push off. FIG. 5.-SPRINTING (No. 3). lOO YARDS RACE. "THE START." - C. \V. Taylor, Surrey A.C., next the camera ; V. D'Arcy, Polytechnic Harriers, next. "l'aylor aucl the runner on the far side of the picture arc getting well out of the holes. D'Arcy, notoriously a slovi' starter, but with a lightning fmish, is obviou2-ly last away. Good arm \VOrk is being shown by the various competitors. 20]