Success in Athletics and how to obtain it

32] FIG. g.-TYPES OF ATHLETES: THE HALF-MILER. P . J . Baker, President, Cambridge University A .C. \Vinner Inter-University Half-mile, Igio (r min. 57~ secs.), rgrr (r min . sSt secs.), I9I2 (r min. S6t secs.). Baker is seen on board ship en route for Stockholm with the British Olympic Team. Skipping as part of his training. FIG, ro.-TYPES OF ATHLETES: THE MrLER. A. N . S. J ackson, President, Oxford University A .C. Holder Olympic Record I,soo Metres (I,64o yds. IS in.) (3 mins. s6i secs.). ·winner oflnter-Unive sity Mile, I9I2 (4 mins. 2If secs.), I9I3 (4 mins. 24t secs.), and I9I4 (4 min. 23·} sec.) . Jackson is a runner of slight bttild, tall, and long striding. One of the greatest milers in the world at the time of the last Olympiad.