The 100-UP Exercise

IKTRODUCTION 11 On receipt of the cable, George proceeded to the tates, and met the redoubtable American. The ~-mile was won by Myers by 2 feet in 1 minute 56; seconds. George next won the mile fairly comfortably a fortnight later in 4 minutes 21 seconds, and a month later followed the !-mile and deciding event. All three races took place on the Polo Grounds, New York. A Great and Memorable Race. In the presence of between 50,000 and 60,000 spectators, George won the !-mile. Myers remained favourite for the last and supreme test of the serie . George took the lead at the start, and held his place to the 1, 000 yards post, when 1\1 yers tried to force himself to the fore; but George gave him no chance and so they raced locked together into the home traight, here both men were completely beaten, dragging themselves along only by the utmost effort. Thus they struggled on until about 20 yards from the fini h, when :Myers fell insensible. George staggered through the tape, the winner of one of the most exciting races on record. He managed to walk to his dressing– room, but pitched headlong through the doorway, where he lay on the floor as insensible as Myers was on the track, and was only brought back to consciousne after about twenty minutes, Myers recovering some two hours later. Yet neither man felt any the worse on the following day for his experience. (Myers has been dead for quite a number of years). Returning home at Christmas, George met with a mo t enthusiastic reception, being feted and feasted