The 100-UP Exercise

22 THE " 100-UP II EXERCISE and strength. He has never been able to discover the cause of his illness, but has a strong suspicion that he had been poisoned in some way or other. While in the tates he again ran the late L. E. Myers three exhibition races in Madi on Square Gardens. The track of eight laps to the mile wa unsuited to George's long stride; but Myers would run on no other, so George gave ·way and was defeated in all three races. Return Match with Cummings. The spring of 1886 saw George back in England, when a second match was proposed and ratified between Cummings and himself for races of 1, 4 and 10 miles as before. The first race took place at Lillie Bridge, West Brompton, on Monday evening, August 23rd, 1886. In the pre ence of some 20,000 spectators, George, having won the toss, dashed to the fore, followed by Cummings a few feet behind. The first quarter wa covered in 58! seconds. The i-mile saw no alteration in the respective positions ; time 2 minutes 2 seconds. Just before the !-mile post was reached, Cummings sprinted, and raced level with George, the two passing the !-mile post in 3 minutes 7} seconds. Now Cummings drew ahead until there was a gap between the runners of 6 to 8 yards. The crowd was greatly excited, and shouts of " Cummings wins ! 11 " 10 to 1 on Cummings ! 11 resounded on all sides. But George knew directly Cummings sprinted that it was a killing effort to make so far from home. On coming into the back straight,