The 100-UP Exercise

28 THE "100- Tp" EXERCISE cooped up, with the exception of one short hour' leave for recreation, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, after which-supper, one hour's study, and then to bed. Its Inception and Development. Necessity is the mother of invention. My physique cried out for its accustomed exercise- the health-giving tonic which was denied it. The brain, alone remaining active, sought to alleviate the trouble, and, becoming convinced of the importance of the case, evolved the idea which, in a perfected form, is the " 100-Up" Exercise of to-day- a ystem of home exercise and training now practised by thousands, all of whom swear by it. I did not at once impart the knowledge of my invention to anyone, but proceeded to test its efficacy upon my own physique. I was more than surprised at the results. Continuing to experiment and improve on the bare idea, I was gratified to find myself as fit in bodily health- despite the long hours indoors a I had formerly been, and, with the regaining of my normal health, there came improvement of the muscle and additional strength to the vital organs. This gave me every encouragement to persevere, and the crowning triumph came when, having been persuaded to enter into some competition or other, I sent my name in for a 1-mile race at Birmingham. Greatly to my surpri e, I scored a success from the short handicap mark of 45 yards, without ever having had a stripped practice; and though I had never attended a sports meeting, or been on a track before.