The 100-UP Exercise

CHAPTER II. EFFECT ON THE MUSCLES AND PHYSICAL ORGANS. A study of the " 100-Up" Exercise from a scientific point of view shows that it brings into play the entire muscular system, without creating an undue strain on any one particular set of muscles, organ or limb. The heart and the lungs are reasonably exercised, superfluous tissue is gradually reduced, and muscles are built up in form and strength by a course of natural, not forced, development. The exercise is unique in its simplicity, reliable in its efficiency, and i a recreative pleasure. 1 It is in– expensive (requiring no apparatus), is easily learned, and is lasting in its benefits. As an adjunct to the actual track, road, field or river work of the sportsman or athlete in active training, it is invaluable. As a means of keeping the non-competitive memcer of the community physically fit, it has no equal. It is therefore an exercise of all-round importance and value, not only to the sportsman, athlete, rowing man, cyclist, walker, jumper, footballer, crick t r, golf r, huntsman, jockey, etc., etc., but to every young or old, weak or trong person ; in fact, to all tho:e desirou of improving their natural physique and bodily health, and attaining general s If-comfort and fitne s throughout life.