The 100-UP Exercise
34 THE '' 100-uP '' EXERCISE and set the heart, lungs and brain working with healthy action, puts the stomach into good condition, and tunes up the system generally, so as to be ready and alert for the business of the day. When to Practise. Many others prefer, first of all, that the stomach shall have a "lining" before anything is attempted, no matter how modest, in the shape of exercise, and I am of this persuasion myself, being convinced that the majority of people would be all the better for some little nourishment wherewith to break their fast before engaging in any form of phy ical training. The beauty of the " 100- p " is that it may be practised any time during the day within reason, without changing a garment, and anyone who will . follow the hints given and instructions laid down in this pamphlet, will be under no difficulty in adapting for themselv a programme and time-table best suited to their opportunities, need and constitution. \\ hen I first started, I made my op1,ortunities. l\Iy enthusiasm overcame the handicap from which I suffered. I would perhap be sent up to the warehou e floor for a particular size of bottle or ome other store, an errand involving time. Her wa. a chance of getting through a portion of the " 100- p " omc– time it would be 10 or 20, at other time 30 or 40 and thi would happen many times during the long day. Opportunities occur to the majority of u to transform moment of idleness into a lifetime of robust health.
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