The 100-UP Exercise
" Far and away the best system of training for Boxers, Amateur or Professional." '' This is what Mr. A. E. Bettinson. the Manager of the National Sporting Club, and himself one of the best amateur boxers England has ever produced, says about My Sys tem " By LIEUT. MULLER. Lieut. Mullt-r is one of the most famous athletes on the Continent, and holds records in nearly every branch of sport. His System (which requires no apparatus and costs you nothing beyond the pri,e c.f the book itself) gives you Quickness, Strength, Stamina Every boxer should know and practise it. therefore buy '' My System" to-day and thereby follow the advice of a man --- who knows. Price nett. 3/6 Post Free. 3/9. Chart of Exercises, 1,6; post free, 1 8. 0/ all B ooksellers, etc., or direct from Athletic Publications, Ltd., LINK HOUSE, 54 & 55, FETTER LANE, & 151 FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. I
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