The 100-UP Exercise
CHAPTER V. THE " 100-VP" EXERCISE PROPER. First ot all, let me impress upon the student the neces ity of maintaining perfect form in every practice, be it in the preliminary or in the exercise proper. Directly the correct form is lost the work should stop. Beginners should start the exercise slowly, and on no account strain or over-exert themselves. Hurried or injudiciou training, or fast work while the system is unprepared for it, induces breakdown and failure. n the other hand, slow. well-considered, steady practice is never injurious. while breakdowns are practically unknown among those who start their training slowly, and who gradually increase distance, time or pace a the heart, lungs, and the muscular system throughout grow accustomed to the extra strain, and revel in it. The Minor and Maj or Grades. I have divided the " 100- y p " Exercise into two grades- the :Minor and the l\lajor. The l\Iinor is for all classes when learning, and is the limit for those who are physically incapable, through age or through infirmity, of participating in the more strenuons or
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