The 100-UP Exercise

CONTENTS INTRODUCTIOX Page The"l· Wonderful Career of W. G. George- Hi Fir$t Appearance on the Track- His First Running :Match– Subsequent Amateur Career- His Victory over L. E . Myer - A Great and Memorable Race- A " George " Year- As Cycle Champion- 1883-Turned Professional --Cumming ' Little Dodge- A Disappointing Conte t - The Ten l\,Iiles--Return Match with Cummings . 7 CHAPTER I. The " 100-Pp " Exercise- It. Birth and History- It In– ception and Deyelopment- Training on the " 100-Up" 27 CHAPTER IL Effect on the Muscles and Phy ical Organs So :imple 31 CHAPTER III. How and \Vhere to Practise- "\Yhen to Practise- The Benefit of Enthusiasm 33 CHAPTEP IV. Preliminary l)ractise for the E ·ercise A \\·arning. ' ot . 36 CHAPTER V. The " 100-rp" E.·erci e Proper- The }Jinor and Major Grades- The }linor Exercis - The l\Iajor E. · rcis - What to Do with the Ann -. dvice to Beginner 41 CHAPTER YI. ·what the Exerci Teaches- For Those of edentarv Habit - For , port men- For Athletes- For Growing Lads and Las cs- For Everybody- Correct Action- The Correct Pose- Condusion Sl