The 100-UP Exercise

52 THE "100-UP" EXERCL E For Sportsmen. If, as a participator in active outdoor port on intermittent occasions- such as at week-ends, etc.– you seek a means of keeping the muscles pliable, and the body in good condition for the fray, you cannot do better than daily indulge in the " Century" exercise, and you will be surprised at the improve– ment its practice will bring in your play or in the performance of any kind of sport or pastime to which you are addicted. It will always keep you in good form, ready to giv of your best, be it in cricket, football, tennis, golf, rowing, hockey, boxing, hunting or other sport or pastime. For Athletes. If, as an athlete in constant training, you wish in a natural way to improve the muscle , and more particularly to increase your tride to its greate t possible length without extra x rtion, to attain perfect form and greater speed, to trengthen the vital organs and thus obtain greater tamina, the " 100- p" as part of your chedule of training– exerci e will accomplish what you want, and give you your heart's desire. I have known an athlete to increase his stride by ov r 2 inches after a month' practice of the exercise, without once visiting a track for training purpos . during that time . For Growing Lads and Lasses. If, as a growing youth or maid, you wi h to attain good physique, pliability of limb and uprightness of