The 100-UP Exercise

\VHA1' 'rHE EXERCI E 'rEACHE' 53 carriage, the exercise, in its moderated form for the young and for those past middle age, gives excellent results without any violence of method. For Everybody. Not only is the " 100-U p " a health exercise and muscle developer, but it also teaches the correct carriage of the body in walking and in running-ordinary or competitive-viz., the correct po e of the head and angle at which to carry the body ; the right way in which to carry the legs and feet, and how to pick up and put down the latter; also the proper arm action. Correct Action. To explain th correct way to walk or to run, I would ay: The feet mu t be picked up from the ground in a perfectly cl an manner ; there mu t be no huffling iu the action. For this purpo e, the leg and feet hould be alvvays held in a straight, forward line, not turned out or in, twisted or wobbled about in any way, either when they are carried through pace, when in action or moving forward, or when the feet are actually on the ground itself. This straight action helps to keep the body steady and upright, which is the acme of perfection, except when in actual running, when there hould be the slightest tilt forward of the head and body, obviously nece ary for the purpose of k ping the body in perf ct balance w hil moving mor or less rapidly fonvard. In race walking or