The 100-UP Exercise

INTRODUCTION THE WONDERFUL CAREER OF W. G. GEORGE. (Holder of the World's One Mile Running Record, 4 mins. 12! sec.) W. G. George, the mo t remarkable figure who has yet appeared on the running track, was born on September 9th, 1858, at Calne, in Wiltshire. ' l On leaving school in 1874 he was apprenticed to a pharmaceutical chemist at \Vorcester, his dutie , as he narrates in the first chapter of this little book, compelling him to re.main within doors the whole day, with but one hour's leave for recreation, desire to make the most of which led to the invention and development of the " 100-'(;p" Exercise. His First Appearance on the Track. From the very first George had always taken deep interest in athletic , and the announcement of a