The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1
~ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by D ANIEL D. COMES, in the Ojfwe of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Vol. I. , No. 1. NEW YORK, .TANUARY 3, 1879. The American Pedometer 0 NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB j D . D . COMES, l Edito r and P ublisher. W. T. TAYLOR & CO., 26 N"e"V"v Street 7 IMPORTERS OF FINE HAVANA CIGARS, Apollinaris and Kronthal NATU R A L MINERAL 'W'ATERS. COLUMBIA ROAD BICYCLE. I A~curately nieasures the distance nalked. PRICE$~- TIFFA.NY & CO., New York. SOLE A.GENTS. Sent to any address on r ecPipt of price EXERCISE! HEALTH! AMUSEMENT ! J. WOOD'S GYMNASIUM 6 E ast 28th St., near 5th Avenue. ESTABLISHED 1856. Open from 8 A . M. until 10 P . M. Turkish Bath, Private Trnln!ng for Running, Walking, Row111g, Boxing, Fencing, &c. . The m ost e xte n siv e M a nufactu r ers of Bil- Second Annual Winter Meeting I AT GILMORE'S GARDEN, I ~riOaJ & ~aturdaJ, Jan, ~o & 4t~, rn,~, 1 COMMENCING AT 8 O'CLOCK P, M. PRESIDENT, FITZ-JAMES HYNES. Vice-President, CHARLES H. PEIRCE. Treasurer, WILLIAM E. COX. CAPTAIN, WAL DO SPR A G UE~ Secretary, ALFRED H. CURTIS. First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant. EDWARD MERRITT. RALPH L. NEWTON . TRUSTEES, 11----===~::'.:_j\ Nov. 23d, 1878, at Agricultural H all, London, W. 1.ann rode 1060 miles in 6 days . Oct. 29th, 1878, F . S. & E . P . Jaquith, in the suburbs of Boston, rode roe miles in 11 h. 45 111., including stops. Mess. Will R. Pitman and J. Lafon will each ride a" Columbia" in these races. liard T a bles i n e xiste nce . T h e JOHN H. STEAD. R. WM . RATHBORNE. Send 3•cent stamp for Price List and J. F. MAHONEY. Catalogue, containing full information. J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALKE CO., WAREROOMS, 724 BROADWAY, Newest and most elegant styles of BILLIARD TABLES .A.T I.JO"VvEST FR.ICES. FIEI.JI:) OFFIOER.S. REFEREE, WILLIAM R. TRAVERS. JUDGES, General DANIEL BUTTERFIELD. CHARLES F. FEAR ING. ROBERT C. CORNELL. Captain W ILLIAM C. CASEY. HERMANN OELRICHS. JOHN WHIPPLE. THOMAS W. WH ITE. TIME-KEEPERS, D. HENRY KNOWLTON. ALFRED H. CURTIS. CHARLES H. PEIRCE . RICHARD MEARES. SCORERS, JOHN H. STEAD. KNIGHT L. CLAPP. CLARENCE E. JOHNSON . WILLIAM A. BARTLETT. STARTER, ALBERT H . WHEELER. Olerk of the Course, EDWARD ROEHNER. HANDICAPPER, CORNELIUS A. MAHONEY . Assistants, BENJAM IN C. WILLI AMS. R. WM . RATHBORNE . MARSHAL, RALPH L. NEWTON . Music by ~rafulla's 7th Regiment Band. THE POPE M'F'G COMPANY, No. 87 Summer Street, BOSTON, MASS. A VON C . BURNHAM'S Academy of Physical Culture FOR LADIESANDGEXTLEMEN, MISSESANDMASTERS, Co rner Bro adwa y and 44th S t reet, (ENTRANC E ON 44th STR EET.) Ladin invited to call it , 11 hours. Send for ~ Clrcular, Hi,, Celebrated .Yllmba, , 303- 404-170- 361 - 332, and his other styles may be had ofall dealers througlUJut the world. ~ Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York ? ~~ AWARDED THE GOLD :MEDAL, Paris Exposition, 1878. I
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