The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1

1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ONE MILE RUN. William H. Capes ....., ....American Athletic Club........................ 105 yds. W.S.Pryor ................NewYork ......................................100" John J. Heins, Jr.......... 11 '' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 100 " R.H. Pelton .............. Greenpoint Athletic Club ....................... 95 " c. Horton .................Scottish-American Athletic Club ................ 95 .. H.P. Todd ............... Athletic Association ColJegc City of New York. 85 " James :.\Iagee.............. American Athletic C'lub ........................ 80 " T. K. Hastings .............New York.................................... 80 " Alfred Yarian..............Knickerbocker Yacht Club ................ , .... 75 " Joseph Donley ............Empire City Gymnasium ....................... 7.o; " James Reagan .............Windsor Athletic Club.............. .. . .. . . . .. . 75 " Geo. H. Cullum .....·.......Young Men's Christian Association .... , ........ 75 " i.~.~~:.".~~:::::::::·.:·.::;~;~ ir~';;'ry,'i:-i.' Y:: .:: ::::::: ::::::: ::::: ··:.:::: ~~ :: Philip R•illy ...............Wood's Gymnasium ............................ 75 " Fred. c. Burrhard........ New .York...................................... 75 " James Doyle...............Scottish-American Athletic Club................ 75 " A. E. Gordon............... " '' " .... . ........... 76 11 Reginald H. Sayre......... Columbia College Athletic Association.. . ...... 70 " Arthur W. Anderson....... New York Athletic Club........................ 66 " C. J. Leach ................ Scottish-American Athletic Club ............... u8 " P. Noel. ................... Short Hills Athletic Club .............. ~ ........ 60 " W. H. Roberteon ......... Brooklyn, L. I. ............................... 58 '' William E. Barnes......... Short Hiils Athletic Club...................... 48 " Benjamin C. Williams ...... New York Athletic Club....................... 30 " T. B. Bates ................Harlem Athletic Club.......................... Scratch. Won by No. Time Second, No. Third, Nv.