The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1
GAMES TO-MORROW EVENING. Seventy-five Ya1.•ds Run-final heat, T,vo Hundred and T,venty Yards Hurdle Race. Four Hundred and Forty Yards Run-final heat. One-ha11· Mile Run. One Mlle "WalJc-flnal heat. T"'\Vo Mile "Walk. Bicycle Race, t"W"o heatFS and :O.nal-slx 1uiles in an. International Tug of -War, Seventh Regiment Tug of -War-final pulls, Amateu1.• Tug ot· -Wa1.•-flnal pull, NOTICE TO COMPETITORS. Winners of Trial Heats will please preserv" their numbers for use in the Final Heats, Numbers to be worn on tbe right breast. No person will be allowed to compete unless properly attired. The right to strike out any entry ia reserved. Medals will be given to First, Second and Third in each game, except in Tug of War, in which a set of colors will be given to the winning team. The track is one.eighth of a mile. Men who never started in a race, or are unknown to the Handicapper, receive two. thirds of the limit. Persons sending their addresses to the Secretary will receive notices of Club Games I that take place during the coming season.
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