The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1
}[ ew Y otk Wtl\letic ClulJ. Org~nl:ed September 8th, 1868. Incorpor~ted April 4th, 1870. POST OFFICE ADDRESS, BOX 3101. ~ant IDou.$.c.$, < mut <1i>rouml.$, Foot 138th Street, Harlem River, 150th Street and Mott Avenue, MOTT HAVEN. MOTT HAVEN. @nm1rn.$ium, 6 East 28th Street, New York, INITIATION F E E, $ 10. D U ES, $26, Payable Sem i-Annually. P RIVILEGES. Use of Boat Houses and Club Boats. Use of Track and Grounds. Use of Wood's Gymnasium from November 1st to May let. Rigbt to com,,ete for Club Cbampionsbip Gold l\Iedals-'l'wenty-tbree tn number. Payment of Entrance Fee in all Games and Regattas when representing the Club. Free AdmissiQn to all Club Games. No Fines or Asfessmeuts allowed. TRACK R A TES- To Non- M embers. One Day.................................. . ............ . .............. , ...Fifty Cn t•. One ':lionth. . . . . . . ........................................................Two Dollars. Season .............................................. , . . . . . . . . ............Six Dollars. Season to Clube taking Ten or more Tickets ... , ...........................Five Dollars. A COMPETENT TRAINER IN CHARGE. Fresh and Salt Water Bathing. THE ANNUAL ASSAULT-AT-ARMS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE EVENING OF THE 2 1st of FEBRUARY, SPARRING, WRESTLING, 0 FENCING, &c., FOR THE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. THE TENTH ANNUAL SPRING GAMES WILL TAKE PLACE M a y 80tb. 7 l B '7SL
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