The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1

,.. SMOKE '' BETWEE THE ACT ,, FOUR HU DRED AND FORTY YARDS HURDLE RACE. HALL'S ALL-TOBACCO OIG-.AR.EJTTEJS. For a short smoke, equal to the best llarnna Cim. PROFESSOR VAN SLYKE, Boxing Roo1ns) 948 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Prof. J. :R. JUDD, Professor of Physical Culture. Gives advice how a person can best obtain and retain health; how one should exercise to dm•elop and strengthen any portion or the body. Cure• Debility, Rheumatism, Biliousness, Weakness, Dys– pepala, Corpulence, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Contract d Limbs, and Paralysis, If poseitle, and the body brought to a atate of perfection through the Hygienic and Swedlah movement system. INSTITUTE, 1325 llroadway. C. F. A. HI RICH , No. 31 PARK PLACE, New York. Lawn Tennis, Go Bang, Cricket, Aunt Sally, Pyramid, Archery, Base Ball, Croquet, SEND FOR PRICE LIST JAS. U. STEAD, PHOTOG~APHS, 383 Gth ..c.\..v nue. ,, ., ~THLETES A SPECIALTY. (Trade Mark) An Improved Fluid Glue, Made without Acid. PERFUMED. ---=='3'.',r"lll~Will keep iq aqy Climate. The attention or the Trade an,l the Public generally Is in'1t l to this new article of Mucilage for otllceandmanu– fac1uring purposes. B<-lng made of J>ur., glue or the be t quality (tbe ad– hesive pror,erties or which are well known) an<I free fl•om add, It will be !ouud auperinr to all the different kinds of MurllaRe, Gums or Paste which haw heretofore been of– fered to th~ public, Orie n•,ulll)·, ,vtll not wrinkle, blister, 01· trikt• through lht' paper, blur printed n,at– ter. or <"ILU •· t"o11traf.'tion In drying. Innlnabie for u•~ In Scrap Booka, Labcling of all kindt!, Binding and Repairing Boeke, Mending E'urniture, and th • combined uses to which Gum, Paste, or hot Glu may be put. FR.ICE LIST_ DOMES (see above cut), with Caps and Brushes, per gross, PINTS. - • per dozen, QUARTS, " GALLON CANS (round or square), each, $20 00 7 00 12 00 4 00 DANIEL D. COMES, No. 2 Courtlandt Street, Xt•w York. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO THE TRADE. TWZNrY HUllDLER, 2 FEET 6 INCHES. I. John Knox...............Scottish-American Athletic Club................ 24 yda. 2. C. W. Kraushaar ........... Manhattan Athletic Club ....................... 20 '" 3. Arthur W. Anderson....... New York Athletic Club ........................ 16 " 4. Joseph Lafon..............Mystic Roat Club.................. . ...... .... .Scratch. Won by No. Time ,Second, No. Third. No. SEVE TH REGIME :r-T T G OF WAR. ECO D TRIAL. "K" COMP.U.'Y H. Ingalls Drake, Captain. Ohrietopher Wolfe, Charles W. Turner, tephen Peabody, Thomas 0. Doremus, Jr., George c. Power, William Robinson, ubstitute. Chu-Jes Badgley, Jnhn H. Abee!, Jr., Edgar S. Pratt, T. B. Williams, Jamee S. Janeway, William Ootbout, VERSUS "F" COMPANY. F. J. Hones, Captain. H. Underhill, Bradish J. Smith, Charles Seymour, William ~tattbews, E. J. Burnett, John Long, ubstitute. William l\Iunson, '· -Brown, Frank Colwell, TWO HUNDRED A D TWENTY YARDS RU No. No. No. FINAL IIEA.T. Winner or First Heat. No. Second in First Heat. Winner or oud Heat. Winner of Third Heat. No. econd in Second Heat. .'o. econd in Third Heat, Won by .'o. Time, cond, No. Third, No. EVENTH REGIME T TrG OF WAR. THIRD TRIAL. "B" COMPANY J. A. R. Dunning, Captain. W. 0. Schuyler, J. III. Rcbuyler, J. L. Kellin~er, D. L. M. Peixotto, Gen. W. Bo••• F. A. Buckman, Substitute. A. J. Dam. " Geo. w. Ring, J. N. Wright, Won by VERSUS "C" CO:\IPANY, 2d. G orge G. Stow, Captain. William L. Stow, ThomaA L. Botts, Jo•eph Cabus, F. C. Knowles, W. J. ~!itehell, Goo. W. Gibson, Substitute. H.P. Thomson, 0 J ph McKee. L. III. Whitehead, Time, GAMES TO-MORROW EVENING. ev nt,y.five Yards Run-finnl h •at;. T,vo IIundred and T,venty Yarcl.,, Hurdle Race. Four IIundred and Fort,y Ya1•d Run-final heat,. One-half· 1u:ne Run. One Mlle Walk-final heat. Tw-o Mile WalJ . IlioycJc Race, tw-o h.-at"I •,nd final- lx nines in all, Jntc1•nntionnl Tug of War- l-,cventh R.cglnient Tug of-War-final pulls. Amat, ur Tug of' War-final pun. NOTICE TO COMPETITORS. Winner• of Trial Heats will please pre,erv• their numbers for uee in the Final Heat . Numbers to be worn on Uie right brea t. No per ou w,11 be allowed to compete unleoe properly attired. Tbe riaht to trike out any entry i• r, scrn,l. MednlH will be given to Fir,t, Second and Third iu each game, except in Tug ofWar, in whicb a ,ot of colors II ill be given to the winning team. Th6 track 1s on~-eightb of a mile. M u who u ver a;tartc<l in a race, or arP uukno\\11 to the Handicapper, receive two– thirds of the limit. Per one . ncling their addresses to the rrt"t ry wl!l recei-. notices of Club Games that take place during the coming season. }few Yotk tl\letic Club. Org,nl:od Ceptombor 8th, l8G8. Incorpor,ted April 4th, 1870. POST OFFICE ADDRESS, BOX 310i. ~ont ~ou.$t.$, (!J;rnek mul <6romul~, Foot 138th Street, Harlem River, 150th Street and Mott Avenue , MOTT HA.VEX. MOTI HAVEN. <oymnn.$ium, 6 East 28th Street. New York, INITIATION FEE, $10. DUES, $26, Payable Semi-Annually. PRIVILEGES. Use of Boat Houses and Club Boats. Use or Track and Grounds. Use of Wood's Gymnasium from November 1st to May 1st. Right to com1 ete for Club CbampioueblJ> Golcl M<·dal -Twenty-three in number. Paynwnt of Entrance Fee in all Games and Regattaa when repre enting the Club. Free A<lmi&Biou to all Club Games. No Fiues or Ae~cesments allowed. TRACK RATES-To Non-Members. One Day................................................................ FifiyC•t•. One ~lonth...... ... . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . ... .. . . .... .. ................Two Dollars Season...... . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. ...................Six Dollar■. Season to Club• taking Ten or more Tickets. . . . . . . ................ Five Dollars . A COMPETENT TRAINER IN CHARGE. Fresh and , rlt Water JJ11tlm11;. THE ANNUAL ASSAULT-AT-ARMS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE EVENING OF THE 21at of FEBRUARY, PARRING, WRE TLING,_FENCING, ·c., FOR THE AMATEUR CHA'.\IPIO.' HIP. THE TENTH AN:SUAL SPRING G,n!ES WILL TAKE PLACE May 80tb. 7 lS79- THE BARNETT Dll'RO\-r':D Pa1ilo1l Rowing Marl1ine, . . Combines the rocking eat with the slirling motion, and i th mo t perfect Rowmg Machine €Yer devieed. It is light and portablP. The rocking 8eat gh·<·s the samP P"<r•r~i•P •• " ,cnll or r1tce boat. lt is, aH IIB name imphes, fer parlor use ; 1t i8 hand– somely gotten up, occupies but little space, and can be packe,l in Hmall compass, being only 11 inches wide. Every family should possesij one, as they can be used hy either children or adults. Price, complete. $8.00. IMPROVED PARLOR GYMNASIUM Or Perfect Chest Expa1,der. A s111,erir,r Ry.,tem qf e:rerri1<e ccnre1dn1t w (17[. Recommcncle<l by Dr,. Mott, 1'"ood ancl Doremus, t the D •lie'rn ollege ; ·urgcon-Gen 'l I! mmoucl ; l\Iajor-Gen'l Wt-bb, Pl'e~ident of the ••. Y. liege ; Dio LewiR; President Hunter, or the •·ormal Col– lege; and numerous profe8sional and bnsme men. It is o.dopt d by the Boarclij of Education, ancl in use by the Pupil of Public and Printe , chools of cw York ancl other citie . ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, Gymnastic Apparatus of Best Quality At ONE-HALF the usual rates, Dumb Bell , Iron, G cent,., per lb. ·wood, all size;;. , winging Rings, Trapeze and Gymnastic Goods of "ll kinds. INDIAN CLUBS. Any size from 2 to 6 lbs., 85c. T. GOTESWORTH PINCKNEY, Fourth Avenue \;ide of Union I r1uare. N"o. 30, •-Ew YORK CITY.