The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1
An Official Programme and ' Record of Athletic Games PUBLISHED BY DANIEL D. COMES, No. 2 Courtlandl Street, NEW YORK. I TUGS AND SPRINTS. Poor Tramps-" Paralyzed" Pedestrians. Rich Tramps-Retired Book Agents. Seasonable-B-icycles at the Winter meeting. Rare "Sport"-Napoleon's last Campa(ig)n-a. " O'Leary is regarded among pedestrians as a kind of All-legs-ander the Great." Rumor says that Edison's next invention will be a walking machine. When a man can make Lis fortune as a pedestrian, why waste his time and talents peddling literature ? One million Sweet Caporal cigarettes are smoked daily. The boys and girls must like them. Wearing those" badly made shoes" did not prove bootless after all. Corn Cobs will be the proper thing this winter; it is predicted that they will supersede the cane in the hands of our Broadway pedestrians. "357 miles" in six Jays, out of a possible 521, is not so bad, "Sport;" but then, you know, a few of those fifty mile runs might have changed the result, The Columbia Bicycle made by the Pope manufac– turing Co., of Boston, seems equal in every respect to any of English make that we have seen. In point of finish they are far superior. To all lovers of the beautiful in precious atones and precious metals, Messrs. Ackerman, Bicker & Manvel offer for inspection a collection wrought into articles of d~~stic designs. An experience ex– tenuing throug,i u.1any-:-,ears has enabled them to choose from both dome~tic ttl~d foreign productions those of the highest standard in elaborate workman– ship and intrinsic value. They cordially invite our readers to call and examine their selections without feeling under any obligations to purchase.
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