The Athlete Vol. 1, No.1
In Press, Rules forthe Government of Athletic Meetings, AND Laws of Athletics OJ' TUE NEW YORK ATHL.E'r10 CLUB, Will be published in neat pocket shape, and hand– somely bound in cloth and gilt. Single- copies, 50 cents. Liberal Discounts to Clubs ordering a num– ber of copies. Address THE ATHLETE, 2 COURTL~NDT ST,, NEW YORK, From the Christmas number of The Spirit ofth, Times. ''Englanc.l, commonly known as ourl\IotherCountry, is prcem u nt1;- •o in atuletics. She taught us all these sports, ancl with each game we naturally borrowed Its Jaws. An exo.minalion uf the two codes will show that the Ameri– can Is founded on the English, and their fundamental principles are the same. Tllo American compilation is an amplitlcatinn and improwmeot of the English model. Tho defect of the English laws is not incorroctne,s, but incompleteness, anr\ they are really but the •keleton or framework on which the New York Athletic Club have built up their more comprehensive and definite code. Tbe En~lisb laws are l!lilent as to several recognized games. and in those which are inclnded, 1nany points deserving es. pecial an<l authoritative leRielation are left to ClBtom and the whim of each successive con1mittee. "During the past two years the New York Athlelic Club bas received almost weekly requests for these laws and rules. Such applications have been so frequent and ur– gent that at a recent meeting it was resolYed tc publish them in pamphlet form, and furnish a copy to every club in theconntry. Neither the gentlemen who framed these Jaws, nor the Committee to whom bas been entrusted their publication, claim to be infallible, and it is probable that many improvements might be made in verbal amend• ment, in skillful arrangement, and in the suhstance and meaning of individual rules. Wishing to make these Jaws as nearly perfect as possible, the Committee have de· cicled to delay their pampbld for some weeks, to publish them In TnE SPIRIT'S Christmas number, where they will be rea<l by ,,very amateur athlete in America. and to re– ceive nnd c.•ousid('r carefully any comments and criticisms which may he made. "Every athlete in tbo country is earnestly requested to rf'atl nnd 8tndy carrfully theRe laws and rule'-, aud if he notic•i·➔ any pointi-1 fit1scrpti11lc of unprO\·emeut either in munnor or n1attcr, to forwurcl promptly to 'l'Ht SPnu-r a statemtut of hiY proposet.l alterations antl amendn1ents. These enJ,!gc:-;tiouR will be pnbli~hed with or without signature, or will be lrnnclecl to the <'ommittce without pub– lication just as the writl'rB may desire; J.nd all will re– ceive a fair and thorough coru;icleratlon, 1n this way the club hope to perfect tiles• law, that they m, i· lrn accepta– ble to all c,ubs, and that their intrinsic mc;its ?Uay se– cure universal adoptiun."
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