The Athlete for 1866

THREE PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED "FOR EXCELLENCE & CHEAPNESS," TO SAMUEL HIGHLY, O F STANDARD ACHEOMATIC BINOCULAR G1ASSES, for tie Raw Course, Opera, Yatch, Deer Stalking, or adjustable to any Person's Sight so that the two fields may be perfectly combined withone view, in Sling Case £4 4s. ORDINARY FORM, Withoutadjustment, £3 13s. 6d. LADIES' GLASSES, in Ivory andGilt Mounts, £4 4s. and £8 Ss, STANDARD ACHROMATIC TELESCOPES, of superior construction, with Large Angle of View, in Sling Case, £ 313s. 6d., £2 28,£1 lis.6d., and lOd. Gd. STANDARD EDUCATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES, 8 inch Object Glass of 42 inch Focal Length, 2 Bye Pieces,Brass Body, Stand with Universal Movements, £5 5s.and £12 128. PRIZE MEDAL ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES, with 1 inch and Jinch Object Glasses, £3 38., £5 5s., £10 10s., and £21. FIELD MICROSCOPES, forWa>sl«oat Pocket, £1 Is. POCKET LENS of 3 Powers, 10s. 68. VERY PORTABLE METAL "TOURIST'S CAMERA," with Stand and Appliances, £10 10s. NEW DRAWING ROOM MAGIC LANTERN, with Hydro-Carbon Lamp, 3J Condensers, for Jshowing Photographic " Reminicenses of Travel," on a Screen, £4 48. or double for Dioramic Effects £10 10s. "THE GLACIER REGIONS OF THE ALPS," illuPtratedin 16coloured Magic Lantern Photographs, £6 16s. 6d. TOURIST'S WAISTCOAT POCKET ANEROID BAROMETERS, £3 Ss. and £4 4s. THERMOMETERS from Is. to £1 Is. GEOLOGICAL HAMMERS, of Taranaki Iron, 7a. 6d. and £1 Is. Bag and Belt £1 Is. SPECIAL CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. No. 18, GREEN STREET, Ifettstfr Square,