The Athlete for 1866

ESTABLISHED 1814. THURSTON & Co., BILLI^lR^D table HANUF&CTUBBRS. To Her Majesty theQ,ueen, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, H. S. H. Prince of Leiningen, The Bt. Hon. the Secretary of State for War, The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, &c., &c. Lamp Makers and Gas Fitters, 14, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. AND SALISBURY WHARF, ADELPHI. THE GAME OF B I LL I ARDS . By EDWIN KENTFIELD ,of Brighton. London: Published by the Proprietors, THURSTON & Co. London Agents for ORME'S PATENT CUE TIP FASTENERS, 2a . 6d . each, by post 2s. 8d. ; and KAY'S CUECEMENT, Is. and gs. per Bottle, by post Is. 2d. and 2s.2d. per Bottle.