The Athlete for 1866
RULES OF ATHLETIC?. lOt 16.—The Stone to be delivered froin the eliou'dcr with either hand ; seven feet run allowed ; no " put" tocount, if delhcied or followedwith any part oi the body touching the groundover the mark; all throws to Le measured fiour the nearest point of the scratch, continued iu a straight line on either sideui.tit opppsite the pitch. DEFINITION OF AN AMATEUH. Any person who liasnever competed in open competition, or for public money, or for adm'ssion money, orwith professionals for a prize, public money or admission n on y. and who has never, at any period of his life, taught oi assisted in the jur uit of Athletic exercisei os a means of livelihood. Any objectitLs to acompetitor on these grounds must be made to the Com- mitice of the Club.
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