The Athlete for 1866

ESTABLISHED A.D- 1822. JAMES LEWIS, 41, Great Queen St., Lincoln's Inn Fields, Late LEWIS &SON, of 5 Wych Street, Strand, (fitpetr, Pat^iras! itnb IHobcIlti: of | W B |(nt)Kitions, FOR ENGLISH or FOREIGN PATENTS, From Drawings on Specifications,in BRASS, IRON or WOOD. Manufacturer of all kinds of Steam Engines and Copper Boilers. BOILERS FITTED UP WITH MESSRS. FIELD'S PATENT CIRCULAT ING TUBES , From the Smallest Model up to Two Horse Power. Model Steam Engines and Boilers kept in Stock, and th e different Parts may he had for making the same. GENTlsEMKN'S PLEASURE BOATS Fitted with STEAMENGINE® and BOILERS to Order. Country Orders Punctually attended to. Jas. Lewis, 41, Great Queen Street, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON.