The Athlete for 1866

Clubs and Schools supplied on the most advantageous terms. JAMES BUCHANAN, ArclaeryManufacturer sie, nco-A-XJiLij-sr, OOU N E R O F R E G E N T C I R C U S . importer of Spanish anb Italian iltto. ^ FLEMISH &GERMAN BOW STRINGS. o gt) %m'tl ^jjohttrntnt to ih ROYAL FAMILY of ENGLAND, EMPEEOE of RUSSIA, EMPEROR of BRAZIL. 0 THIS HOUSEis one of the Oldest Pjstablishedin the Trade, and ALIi the ARCHERY GOODSare ManufacturedON the PREMISES. o The Theory& Practice of Archery, by H. A. FORD, isPublished, by J. BUCHANAN, 215, PICCADILLY, LONDON.