The Athlete for 1866

ON THE EIVER BANK, Also for Yachting, Boating, Hunting, for Fishing Punt, and Pic-Nic—furthermore a social comfort in Sitting- room, Bed room, or Study. on POCKET KITCHENER. This is amarvellous personal convenience, itsportability is such, that it can be conveniently carried in a gentleman's Pocket, or ladies' Reticule, yet withal, it is in all respects for numerous personal service, as efficient as a Kitchen Fire. No Fuel required. The possessor can obtain early or late, in his Bed room or elsewhere, Boiling water in five minutes—no annoyance, no trouble—also prepare Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, or Chocolate. In the MimicCauldronyou can Poach or Boil Eggs, Milk, Rice, or cook Pototoes, Parsnips, Onions, Peas, Beans, Tripe, or Trotters; Stew Mushrooms, Oysters, Eels, or Chicken; Stew or Fry Kidney, Frog, Steak, Sausage,Chop, Bacon, Eggs, Fish, &c., &c., &c. Cost of use One to Two Farthings. Price 3/9 to 10/6. Sent anywhere on receipt of Stamps. MANUFACTURED & SOLD BY THE PATENTEE ONLY,AT THE Stella Lamp Depot, 11. OXFORD STREET. Eleven doorswest of TottenhamCourtRoad.