The Athlete for 1866

B U E E OU fcket anir |lotomg ^birte, Racket and Bunning Vests, Drawers, Belts, Caps, &c., TO THE AMATEURS OF THE ATHLETIC, CRICKET, AND BOATING CLIJBS. Perfect Fitting Long Cloth Shirts, made to Measure, 40/ 45/, 50/, 55/, the half dozen. New French Printed Shirts, best quality, 48/the half doz. Superior Dress Shirts, improved cut 9/6 to 30/. Cricket and Boating Shirts, best quality, from 12/6, Trousers, from 14/6. Collars, in the Newest Shapes, from 8/6 per dozen. Best Marcella Waistcoats, in White and Coloured, 3 for 16/, all Sizes. Hosiery, of every description, in Silk, Cotton, Merino, and Wool. Lounging Coats, Dressing Clowns,Silk Umbrellas. DISCOUNT ALLOWED FOR CLUBS AND SCHOOLS. X^sTlDXA. OXJTFITS- 315, OXFORD STREET, NEAR HANOVER GATE, XJ o nsr id o in ".