The Athlete for 1866

Antiseptic Carnation Tooth. Paste Possesses in an extraordinary degree the power of Cleansing, Polishing, and Whitening the Teeth, let them be ever so discoloured by 8 ickness or neglect, leaving uponthem a pleasant snaoothness. In Pots* Is. l^d.and 2s. 9d. each. o A N I MA L O I L P OMA D E F O R T H E H A I R , Does not Dry, as is the case with Pomade made with Vegetable Oils. In StopperedBottles, Is.6(Z. and 2 s. Gd. each. o P E R S I A N P E R F UME F O R T H E H A N D K E R C H I E F , Particularly Recommended for itsFragrance and Durability. In Bottles, 2s., 3s. 6d., andSs. Qd. ** WEST END AGENT FOR ROWLAND'S MACASSAR, KALYDOR AND ODONTO. W . T . C O O P E R . 26, OXFORD STREET, W.