The Athlete for 1868
BILL I ARDS. COX and YEMAN, B NUFA UR R 209A, BROMPTON ROAD, S.W. PATRONISED BY The English Chan1pio11, JOI-IN ROBERTS, The French Chan1pion, MONS.. BERGER, J. A. BOWLES, Ship Street, Brighton. C. HUGHES, Nell U-wynn Rooms, Strand. J. ROBERTS, Son of the Uhampion, Newcastle-on-Tyne. J. BENNETT, Grainger Street, Ncwcastle-on-Tyue. By the Nobility and Gentry; and also by the following Clubs at home and abroad. The :N'ew University Club. Wyndham Club. 8th King's Regiment. City of London Club. IThe Uutver ity Club. Royal Eugineers, Chatham. Egerton Club, t. James's trert. Victoria Club, Torquay. 76tll Regiment. :--;ew Carlton, Waterloo Place, W. Devon and Exeter Club. 40th Regiment. Garrick Club. Cotswold Club, Cheltenham. Royal Marines, Plymouth. Civil 'ervice Club, St. JamPs's St. Albion Club, Ran;sg1i.te. cots Fusilier Guards, Canada. Hoyal lluunes Yacht Club. Union Club, Grave~cnd. Royal Artillery and l~yal En- l'orlland Club, Oxford ~treet. Belvedere Club, Belvedere. giuecrs, Montreal. Hoyal Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde. lWesterham Club. Royal l:<;11gineers, t. John's, r ew- Wl'~tcrn Club, Gla~ow. Tbe United Service Club, Calcutta. foundland. Union Club, Belfast. ·western Club of India, i'ouna. l'<'lhc1m Club. Union {)tub, llury. Civil Service Club, Cape Town. Phamix Club. Wakefield Club, Wakefield. Union Club, Newcastlc-on-l'yne. Masonic Union. Vil toria Club, Leeds. Union Club, Brighton. J )evunsllire Club, Bayswatl'r. l:Surlinµ,ton Club. l\Iarylebone Institute. King tun Billiard Rooms, Bath. Urant's. 'orlhumberlandRoom ,Newca.stle-on·Tyne. Elphick's Billiard .'aloon, Glasgow. Brown's Royal Hall, lltmlop Street, Gla~gow. C. Ward's Univer:,ity Rooms, trand. !loyal Billiard Saloon, Prior Court, Sbeillcld. W. Cook's Rooms, Hertford H.oad, llayswater. Royal Cambridge Ilall. W. Oon:1ld, St. James's Hall, Plccadtlly. Oxford 1md Cambridge, Camden Town. ules1:11"8. Gordon und I>,wis, 131lliard ~aloons, City. 'ilig's Corporation l:Mliard Hull, Manche ter. E. Dalhy, 230, Oxf'ord treet. ~icol's Grnnd B!Jliiud Saloon,'68, Regent Street. Mr. De" euyer, 315, Oxford Street. Makers of Lamps, Gas-fittings, Seating, etc., for Billiard Rooms. TABLES MADE EXPRESSLY FOR INDIA AND WARM CLIMATES, With l\lctftllic Adjustment for Levelling. l1tve11tors of a1t improved BILLIARD C SIIION, invaluable for Private Houses; they are very Elustic, mid warrante,l to remain so, where the Room i"s liable to C:uld o,- JJun,p.
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