The Athlete for 1868
1868.] THE .ATHLETE ADVERT! ER. v THE SPORTSl\IAN.-11\IPORrrANT ANNOUNCEMENT.- THE SPORTS1\1A is now published FOUR TIMES A WEEK-every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday- 'atuTday's edition being a large eight-page paper, same size as the Times. THE SPORT8l\IAN, One Penny, publi hed every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, is the mo t complete porting Record in the world. The Double Number on Saturday, price 2d., contains reports of all the 'ports of the week, as well as the Latest Intelligence up to the hour of going to press on Saturday morning, and is a cheap and complete Weekly Sporting Newspaper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- DOUBLE NUMBER of 'rHE SPOH1 1 Sl\1AN every Saturday, price 2d., containing all the porting Intelligence of the week, with Articles and Sketches by GEORGE AUGU::,TU' SALA, W. B. B. STE.YENS, and other popular writers. THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY; REl\IINIS ENOES OF ODD TIIf G · .A~D ODD PEOPLE. By GEORGE AUGU TU' SALA. Thee brilliant Sk~tches appear in Tirn SPORT· IAN. Double umber e\·ery Saturday, Twopence. HOW THE WORLD WAGS. By A l\IAN IN THE STREET.- See THE , PO HTS:'IIAi: , every Saturday. NOTES 0.N" NEWS.-This commentary on the leading items of the news of the day, by writers of eminence, having obtained great popularity, will in future appear in ea<:h publication of THE 'PORT'''.\TAN". One Penny. ~~~~~~~~- THE OASUAL.-This eminent Turf writer is again eno-a<Yed on a Series of Articles for THE SPOlrf::,.MA1 . One Penny. Double umber on 'aturday, price Twopence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COOK ROBIN.-This fir t of all Tnrf poet has be n engaged for THE SPORTS \f AN, anJ contributes a poetical ' tip' before each great eYent. VIGILANT'S NOTE BOOK in 'lHE SPOHTSl\fAN every Tuesday, WednesJay, Thursday, and Satunlay, i:,; the only thoroughly reliable guide to Market Mo\•emeuts. One Penny. THE WIZARD.-See in TIIE SPORT! 'l\IA , eyery Tue day, Wedne,,clay, Thursday, and aturclay, the predictions of' The\\ izard,' the most successful Turf Prophet of the day. One Penny. THE SPECIAL 001\Il\IIS IO ER.-' The p cial Commi - sioner,' who has been so long and favourably known as a Turf writer, continue., to giy~ valuable information as to the condition and doings of the 'crncks.' ~~~~~~~~~~- 'f HA.INl NG NOTES.-A 1etaff of accredited report r upply the readers of THE PORT::,.MA1' with relial,lt! inteliigl'nce as to the doings ot the horses ~t the principal Training Quarters. Oue Penny. THE SPOH.T l\IAN, four time a weck-ev ry 1 UESDAY, WED~E 'DAY, THUB 'D.\ Y, mu.l :5ATUHl>AY-is the mot complete I cont <>f Spo1ts anJ Pa~times ever publisheJ. Price One Penny. Double .i.:'umber on Saturday, price Twopence. . OFFICE : BOY COURT, LUDGATE HILL, 10:SDO.... ,
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