The Athlete for 1869
vi LAWS OF ATHLETICS. 13. Crossing the scrn.tch ju the attempt to count as" No Throw." This rule applies to Putting the Stone anc.l Broad Jumping. 14. The weight of the Hammer ancl Stone to be 16 lb. each. 15. The height of the Hurdles to be 3 ft. G in. 16. The Stone to be delivered from the shoulder with either hand; seven feet run allowed ; no "put" to count, if dcliverecl or followecl with any part of the body touching the grouncl over the mark ; all throws to be measured from the nearest point of the scratch, continued in a stmight lino upon either side lmtil opposite the pitch. DEFINITION OF A GENTLEl\fAN Al\'.IATEUR. Any gentlom::m. who has never competeu in an open competition, or for public money, or for admission money, or with professionals for a prize, public money or admission money, and who has never, at any periocl of his life, taught or assisted in the pursuit of Athletic exorcise,· as a means of livelihood.
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