The Athlete for 1869

TIIE ATHLETE. [H1CH1\10XD. Richmond Cricket Club. .April 17th and lSth. F!XAL HEAT. C. Y. Fell W. F. Eatou . E. W. 1\Ionro 1 2 3 Tlte course was grass, antl in capital order; there was also a good wrnd <lown the straight, which improved the A splendic.l race throughout between tiines. the Ieac.ler . Fell got an advantage at the turn, and eventually won by half u yard ; time, 33 sec. Throwing the Cricket Ball– (Memhers only.) n. l\Ioffat (91 ! ycl::;.) . . . . II. Emmanuel . . . • . . , I Running High Jump- 1 2 (Open.) Handicap Race, 120 yards– (l'tiembers only.) HEAT 1. A. l\I. Bremner . . . . . . 1 A.E.Peile ....... 2 A good race; won by half a yard ; ti111e, 12} sec. I HEAT 2. G.H. Jupp ....... 1 H. Emmanuel . . . . . . 2 Another good race; won Ly a foot; time, 12 sec. FINAL HEAT. A.. l\I. Bremner (G yd'.). 1 G. H. Jupp (5i y<ls.) 2 A. E. Peile (9 . 3 H. Emmanuel (9 yc1s.) 0 Won by a yard and a half ; time', 12 4 ~ec. Hurdle Race, 200 yards (10 flights)- (Open.) liEAT 1. W. F. Eaton ( Civil en:ice 1 • 1 K Ifover.,; (Ingatc><lunc C. ff.) . 2 Won by 10 yds. ; time, 37J sec. HEAT 2. C. Y. Fell (St. John's Coll., Oxon) 1 E.W. l\fonro ·.A. A. C.) . . . 2 A walk over. In both these heats hy a mi.stake in the position of the tape, 210 yds. were run. J. A. C. lforwood (L. A. C. ), 5 ft. 4 in..... . 1 E. IInver::; (Ingatestone C. C.) . 2 Handicap Race, 440 yards– (Open.) 'HEAT 1. E. Loder ( Hton Coll. ), 22 yd . . l D. l\foffn.t (Oh. Ch., Oxon),30yd::,. 2 6 ran. Won by 3 yds.; time, 55 ec. HEAT 2. T.V. Dawson (Richmo,id F. C. , 30 y<ls. . . . . . . . . l :M:. E. Jobling (L . .A. C.), 8 y<ls. 2 11 rnn. Won by 8 yds.; time, !H: sec. HEAT 3. T. '. Co11ctt ( Civil Service), 28 ycls. . . • . • . . . 1 II. tcveu on ( G. G. Soc.), rn ycls. 2 A. T. Scott ('Prin. Coll., Cam– bridge), 8 yds. . . . . . ~ 7 ran. Won by 5 yds. ; time, 56! sec. FI.' .AL HE.AT. T. V. Dawson (30 yds.). 1 H. Stevenson (15 yds.) . 2 M. E. Jobling (8 yds.) . 3 T. C. Collett (28 yds.) . 0 E. Loder (22 yds.) . 0 D. Moffat (30 yc1s.) . 0 "\Von en ily ; time, 54 oc. Flat Race, 100 yards– (Open.) HEAT 1. C. A. Absolom (Trin.Coll.,Cmnl>. ) 1 0. J. mith (North Cot 'Wold A. C. ...•..•. 2 Won by If yd.; time, 11 sec.