The Athlete for 1869

viii CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Oxford University :- Schools:- Jesus . 82 City of London . 113 Lincoln 83 Dagnall House 114 l\Iagdnlen 81 Eton College 115 Oriel 85 Harrnw 117 Pembroke 86 Inter-Scholastic Games . 118 Queen's 8 Ken ington . 119 St. John's 89 King's College. 121 St. )Iarfs llall 90 King Edward's (Birmingham) 122 Trinity 91 Leecls . 124 Worcester 92 l\Ierehant 'I'aylors' 125 Ravenscourt Park 93 Radley 126 Reigate and Redhill 94 Rugby 127 Richmond Cricket Club 96 St. Paul's 130 'heffiel<l Football lub 99 • andhurst 131 South .L orwood . 100 Tonbridge 133 Thames Rowing Club . . 101 University College 13! Thames Handicap Steeple Cha es. 102 Wc -tminstcr . u;5 Tonbridge Wells. 10! Woolwich (R. M.A.) . 137 United Hospitals 105 \V oolwich ancl , anclhurst . 138 University College, London 106 Western 'ountics 107 West Kent Football Club 10 Pigeon Shooting:- Schools:- Ncw Red House . 140 Charterhouse 111 Gun Club 150 Cheltenham . 112 Paris . 16!