The Athlete for 1869
THE ATHLETE. AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB. DE.\O'OHT IIOt'.'E. June 19th and 20th. Templer got best off, but wa~ soon pa s cl by both of the others, l\Iac– Larcn winning by 2 y<l:,;. Time, 10~ sec. (Run on Jun 20tl1.) W. l\I. Tennent E. J. Colbeck "\V. l\ W. Collett 1 J 0 T1rn Champion l\Ieeting of this great club was again this year po tponecl on account of the Intcr-Univer itr 'port::i being held in London. June is 110t a. good time for an important Athletic l\Iccting, cricket luwin~ then, in n. great mca ·urL 1 , taken tile place of runuiuo-. l\Iany men do not tmiu iu the hot weather, and certainly la t June wa.· not cool enough to tempt athletes to A ma~11iilcent rare. Colbeck had make an exception. These cau cs re- slightly the he:st of th ta.rt, and held <luc,•<l the munbcr of cntric , but the the lca.<l for mo:st of the tli:stance, 'l'en– lluality of tho ·e who entcrell was ·0 nent winning at la::;t by a bare foot. urnleniahle, that the competition· pro- l} yd. between s contl anrl thil'<l. mi:;cd a. great athletic treat to the I Collett got oft' I.Jaclly. Time, 10~ cc. . p ctntor:;-a promise, we may a.<l<l, "·liich wns entirely fulilllcd. 'l'hc Half a, l\Iile- timc:; of the event:, speak for thcm– :,clvcs. R J. Colbeck (L. .A. C.) A. Kin~ 1 L. A. 0.) ... W. R )[. Bcthuuo (Cii:il Ser- 2 Friday, Jww 19th. 100 yards- rfro) . . 0 SydenhnmDi.·on_(Cit:il 'errice) 0 I The pace was very hot throughout, W. JU. Tennent (1llancl1esler and Colbeck won ·n:;ily by 5 yd . The IIEAT 1. .,1. C.) · , ·win<l, nltl.ough fovomab1c for the :E. J. Colbeck (L.• 1. C.). 2 sprint race:;, was ngain:;t gootl time W. II. Betb . 0 when the complete C'ircle had to be 'fhe pnlh was in goo<l or<lcr. ::md run. Acltling to this the fact that tho there was n. fair win<l Lehi11d Lh0 nm- winner having the rncc :-afo, i;lael·en cl lll~l'3. 'l'cuncnt got be ·t oft: a.J1<l run- cou ·it1crably in the last 20 yd.·., the niug- mngniticently, won ea:;ily by time is wonclerfully good. Time, ·1 ytl.:;. Time, 10 sec. l 2 min. 2 cc. Jfa.A.T2. -- W. facL::nen (11Iwzchester A. Pole Jump- 0.) . . . . . . 1 R. J.C. l\1itche11 (1Vc111rh. A. C.) 1 W. Collett (A11wte11r .1. 0.) . ~ W. F. rowcll l\Ioore (A. A. 0.) 2 J. Templer (]!arrow) • . . 0 Alfred Lubbock (A . ..J. C.) . • 0 B
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