The Athlete for 1869
TIIE ATIILETE. [ A::\IATEUR A. c. This was closely contested, an<l ended in the winner ckuring 10 ft. G} in., 1ho highest nmatcur jump ever matle. l\Ioorc clearecl 10 ft. 0.} in.; a very fine jump. Lubbock l1nfor· tunately fell antl sprained his ankle. 120 yards Hurdle Race- This wns reckoned a ccrtn.inty for the grcnt Londoner, who waited on IIaw– trcy most of the way ancl won by 25 y,l,,. Ifo wtrey ran cxcceilingly well, au<l will be found a formiclu.ble oppo11c•1tt by any amateur. 'rime, 1 min. 84: sec. Saturclay, .Tune 20th. lliAT 1. W. F. P. :i.\Iooro (.A. A. C.) . W. H. Betts. . .... W. F. Eaton ( Civil Service) 1 Seven l\Iiles Walking Racc- 2 W. Rye (L. A. C.) . . . . . 1 o 'l'. Griffith (City.Amateur A. C.) 2 II. F. \Yilkin~on ( Civil Sercice) 0 Both the other competitors foll, and :Moore won by 15 yd·. ; six jnches be– tween second and Lhirtl. 'l'imc, lL] sec. IlE.\T 2. W. l\facLnren (Jlancltester A. C.) ........ 1 W. l\L Tennent (Anutleur A. C.) 2 U. Pitt 'l'aylor ( Camul'idge Univ.) . . . . . . . . 0 Won by 2k ycls. Half a ynrc.l be– tween sccon<l and tliir,l. At the In ·t hurdle Tennent cro:-;sec.l and took Pitt Taylor's hurdle, thereby slmttin~ him out. They agreed t0 nm again for the riaht of running in the final heat, when Tennent won. Time, 17~ sec. FLTAL m;_\.T. (Run on June 20th.) W. l\I. Tennent . W. Ma.cLaren W. F. P. l\Ioorc. W. H. Betts. 1 2 0 0 Wun by~ ycl. Five yards between second aud third. 'l'imc, 17~ sec. Throwing the Hammcr(lG lb.)– II. Lceke ( Cambridge Univ.), !)!) ft. 6 in.. . . . . . . 1 Douglas Ioffo.t (A. .A. 0.), 91.i ft. !) in. . . . . . . . . . 2 P. llalkctt O II. W. Uichard..:on . . . . . O Tbe winner lctl nearly ihrou~hout, and won ea ily by more than 100 y<l ., in the shortest time on record:- First mile . . Second mile . Thinl milc Fourth mile. . . Fifth mile. . Sixth mile. . Seventh mile . 7 min. 10 sec. 15 min. 0 ~cc. 28 min. 10 i;cc. 31 ruin. ·10 bCt'. 40 min. 10 see. 48 min. 50 r;cc. 57 min. 37 sec. Griffith's time was 58 min. Broad J mnp- R. J. 0. ::.\Iitchell (Jlancltester A. C.), rn ft. 8;1- in.. . . . . 1 E. Hnvcn; (Ingalestone), 19 ft. 5 in. ~ ,v. M. 'l'cnncnt . . . . . . 0 W. II. Beth, . . . . . . . . O Putting the Stone (1Glb.)- J. Stone (Lii:erpool A.. 0.), 37 ft. 11 in. . . . . . . . . 1 R J. C. l\Iitchell Ciliunchtdler A. C.), 3G ft. . . . . . . 2 W. F. P. :\Ioorc (A. A. C.) . . 0 G. R. Nunn ( Guy'i; Hospital) . O This is the longest known mnakur ,:put." Quarter of a l\Iile Ilacc- h ,J. Colbeck (J,, A. 0.) . . . 1 W. )IncLaren (. la,1cl,esfct A.G.) 2 II. J. Chjnncry (L. • 1. C.) . . O One 1\ file Racc- w.. I. Chinnery (I,, A. C.). R Ifowtrey (Eton Coll.) . . 11. B. Uoyds (Elon Coll.). . ,vun wry c·nsi]y hy 12 yd::J., althou~h the w:nncr ·was nearly thrown tlown 1 by a sheep at tho first comer. 'l'ime, i 50: :-3CC. 0
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